Welcome to the web site of the
Rotary Club of Bridgetown Western Australia.
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Our Rotary Club is a small club with fewer than 20 members but it has a big presence in the Bridgetown community. Its major annual event, the Blackwood Marathon Relay, is a very popular event with more than 300 teams of runners, canoeists, horsemen and women and cyclists competing over a 35 km course from Boyup Brook to Bridgetown.
This year we are again running the Rotary Tour of the Blackwood, a classic cycle event with three separate courses for different levels of rider, from expert to family. The tour raise funds to support initiatives for supporting the mental health and well-being of our Rural youth in the Blackwood region.
In September each year our club runs an annual evening, “Up Close and Musical” which showcases our local music teachers and their star pupils, as well as recognised artists from the City and interstate.
Members of the Club are actively involved with support of our young people in the schools and the community in areas ranging from leadership development to mental health.
Members are also involved in a number of overseas Rotary projects, with the most recent being provision of clean water to families in Timor Leste.
It also supports major local projects. The Club was the largest donor in a recent appeal for funds to complete the equipping of the new Bridgetown swimming pool. It has just committed the sum of $100,000 for the Geegeelup Village retirement facility as seed capital for its application for extension of the Hostel accommodation.
The Rotary Club of Bridgetown is committed to support locally based Not for Profit incorporated organisations, associations or social enterprises (such as community groups or clubs) or where appropriate individuals to benefit and help improve the quality of life for the people in the Bridgetown, Greenbushes and Boyup Brook community. Community Grants information
The club welcomes new members from all walks of life. Its principal objective is service to others and if you support this aim, please get in touch with a Club member, or use the contact form in this web site.